Instagram Story Template
@magicallyjulia (1,264 followers)
Provided followers with something of value: a template to screenshot, fill out, and share on Instagram Stories. Engaged my audience by encouraging them to tag me in their story posts in order to “feature” their completed templates in my stories. Included a “tag 3 friends“ section to ensure the template's circulation. Created on Illustrator.
84 ≥ shares | Instagram Post - 11/8/21
@magicallyjulia (1,594 followers)
Planned a niche-specific photo concept idea prior to this trip for engagement on hashtag feeds. Encouraged comment engagement with an open-ended question in the caption. Used Adobe Photoshop to remove people in the background and add an object in my hand and a visual effect.
469 likes • 4,061 reach • 4,076 impressions • 1,086 explore page impr. • 1,962 hashtag impr. • 30 comments • 50 profile visits • 8 follows • 27 saves • 1 share | Instagram Post - 10/01/21
@magicallyjulia (1,372 followers)
Created timely content that spoke to my niche audience while engaging in storytelling and tapping into social media hype for a milestone event in the community. (Specifically, the 50th anniversary of Walt Disney World.) Designed an aesthetically-pleasing photo concept to achieve post taps and engagement on hashtag feeds.
360 likes • 2,261 impressions • 1,112 hashtag impr. • 2,003 reach • 14 comments • 12 profile visits • 13 saves |